Glass recycling is tricky, especially for mid-sized cities like Chattanooga.
Did you catch our note about that truck making a ~250 mile return journey to pickup our glass? This happens because there is no local processing of glass. To set up a processing facility that can clean and sort glass efficiently, you need A LOT glass. And, you need some local consumers of that glass cullet (fancy term in the glass industry for small pieces of glass). We’re big enough to generate thousands of tons of glass waste, but often not big enough to justify large glass processing facilities. We’re…Overlooked.
If this was an easy challenge to overcome we would already have a solution. But it’s not easy. That’s why we’re setting up a vertically integrated business to close the loop for glass recycling in our area
We’re focused on:
- Delivering glass recycling collection services to underserved residents, businesses, and governments alike in our metro area.
- Critically, establishing local processing of glass right here in the City of Chattanooga, prioritizing the local sale and use of materials , creating local jobs, and feeding the circular economy. We’re investing in equipment that has the capacity to remove thousands of tons of glass from our waste stream.
- Having fun and giving back along the way. We’re committed to providing grants for area schools, artists, and non-profits for free materials so that they can tell their own stories with recycled glass. As we hit on earlier , Chattanooga has a rich history as a glass mecca. You’ll find that rich history bubble up as you follow us on social media, read our blogs, or find us at community events.